Senior Programme Officer, Africa Peace Forum
Dr Patrick Karani
Executive Director of BEA International
Stephen Kirimi
CEO, PeaceNet
Honorable Monsieur Desmond de Silva PC, QC
Avocat, ancien Secrétaire Général Adjoint de l’ONU et Procureur Général du Tribunal Spécial pour la Sierra Leone
Hans-Joachim Karl
Managing Director, Computerzentrum Strausberg
Njeri Karuru
Senior Policy Officer, International Development Research Centre
Hon Uhuru Kenyatta
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya
Captain Twalib Khamis
General Manager of Operations, Kenya Ports Authority
Richard Kiplagat
Director Growth & Opportunity, Africa Practice East Africa Ltd
Jos Konzolo
Former Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors of the Nairobi Securities Exchange, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kenya Association of Stockbrokers and Investment Banks(KASIB)